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Actual email exchange between me and one of my customers who asked me the difference between Google Analytics and "Visit Intel"

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Below is a real email that I had sent a customer who asked me what the difference is between Google Analytics and " Visit Intel"......

Hi Steven.

I hope you are well.

The Google Analytics (GA) question as to how it differs from Visit Intel is the most frequently asked question we receive.

On a high level....We do NOT view Visit Intel as a  as a competitor of GA .   Rather we view GA as a complimentary tool for Visit Intel.  In fact...we still use GA ourselves.

Visit Intel provides information that GA does not give you with it's free service.

Also...Visit Intel" sends detailed  Automatic PROACTIVE Email Site Visit Alerts directly to your inbox . 

You do not have to go anywhere other then your inbox to get the Visit Intel reports detailing to you which company clicked on your site, how they found etc.

We find that the typical person does NOT log into GA often if at all.   Reason being it is not simple to navigate through and difficult to get helpful information.

Another major difference is GA uses Cookies to track user activity. This is a really big deal as in the EU for example...if you track visitors with COOKIES on your site ....you have to have that disclaimer on your website that warns people that they will be tracked with Cookies.  The UK and Canada also frown upon the use of cookies.

Visit Intel does NOT use cookies.

All of the information we provide is driven from the IP address.  

Visit Intel is telling you that a person from a specific company is clicking through your website.   Visit Intel reports on ALL website visitors.

The idea is to have the Sales people within your organization receive the incoming Visit Intel Alerts so that you can act on that information immediately.

I have attached a document to help you get more out of your Visit Intel Site Alerts.

To get to the level of information you receive with Visit Intel through GA.....you would need to use Google Adwords and pay much higher fees.

If you are using Adwords...the only way to get the information that Visit Intel provides you is if the person who is searching uses an Adword that is in your predefined list.

Again...Visit Intel is reporting on ALL activity from ALL of your digital Marketing Channels  no matter where that person originated from (ie. Bing, Google ,Facebook, LinkedIn, email,  etc)  for ONE low Monthly fee of $59.

You end up paying MUCH MORE if you are going to rely on Google Adwords and Analytics and you will not be getting the full picture as to how people are landing on your site.

With Visit Intel...for the same one low price you are getting additional services to use like....

- There is a feature within "Visit Intel" that generates a shortened landing page web address ( like bit.ly). Once you generate the shortened address....it has "Visit Intel" Tracking already embedded in it.  Great for Press Releases or any other landing pages.

- We can apply "Visit Intel" tracking to a defined list of Contacts ( from Mail Chimp, Constant Contact, Hub Spot, Swiftpage etc) so that when those people visit your site in the future OUTSIDE OF THAT EMAIL...you will know exactly what person clicked on what web pages on your site 

- We can apply "Visit Intel" tracking to an attachment embedded in an email or on a website....alerting you when that attachment has been opened.

- We can apply "Visit Intel" tracking to a signature block that links to your site. So you will know if they came to your site via the sig block.

- Within "Visit Intel" you can assign what Site Alert emails go to which sales people. (ie. by territory)

- We can set up "Visit Intel" to track what specific Email Campaign and/or Press Release triggering a site visit whether in house or from an ESP (email service provider)

And of course...you have access to the Macro Reporting Portal to get the macro trends and export the information if you so desire.

I hope this was helpful.

If you have questions or would like me to walk you through the Visit Intel Site Alerts or Macro Reporting Portal...I would be happy to do so.

Thank you.



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