Visit Intel - Close business during a TRIAL run ....seriously!
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How many enterprise software tools exist out there where can you sign up for a 30 day TRIAL run and .... through your website.
So here is the story and how it unfolded......The CEO of a company signed up to try Visit Intel about a month ago. He reached out to me via email the other day because he thought his 30 day trial of Visit Intel was about to end. He thanked me for letting him use it and although he thought it was a great tool...he was not ready to move forward at this time.
Thankfully....the CEO cc'd his V.P of Sales on that email who quickly stepped in begging him to make sure they kept Visit Intel up and running.
The reason : the V.P of sales was getting actionable reports from Companies that visited the company website. He NEVER would have contacted these companies if it were NOT for the Visit Intel Site Activity Alerts .
The V.P of sales replied back to the CEO with the following....
"Good Morning. I am getting a lot of valuable information from this tool. For example, The ABC (had to use a fake name for this blog) School kept checking out our seminars but not signing up. I called him and we agreed to meet in person. I ended up signing them up. I would not have been able to make this contact had it not been for the Visit Intel tool.
There are a lot of other good companies visiting our site that are not part of the email marketing campaign."
The CEO replied back to me this time and said they wanted to keep using Visit Intel .
Right now....without your knowledge.... there are people at companies clicking through your website anonymously as well.
You too are missing opportunities to follow up with these people.
When Companies visit your will receive a report like the one below emailed to you automatically for your action.
I just had to write about this as I have never heard of a tool that before you even move forward with are closing deals.
Try it for yourself......Sign up for your 30 day trial HERE!!!!!!!!
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How many enterprise software tools exist out there where can you sign up for a 30 day TRIAL run and ....
- Deploy it literally in minutes
- Start using it immediately
- Close business before you even purchase the tool
- Recognize the ROI before you even write the check to pay for it
I have no idea really..... but count Visit Intel as one of them.
The above scenario actually happened last week and I am certain there will be other stories such as this one.
The best part about this one story was the CEO of that company had no idea about the impact Visit Intel was already having within the organization.
- Prospects
- Leads
- Existing customers
- Competitors
- People who click on your Ads through your website.
So here is the story and how it unfolded......The CEO of a company signed up to try Visit Intel about a month ago. He reached out to me via email the other day because he thought his 30 day trial of Visit Intel was about to end. He thanked me for letting him use it and although he thought it was a great tool...he was not ready to move forward at this time.
Thankfully....the CEO cc'd his V.P of Sales on that email who quickly stepped in begging him to make sure they kept Visit Intel up and running.
The reason : the V.P of sales was getting actionable reports from Companies that visited the company website. He NEVER would have contacted these companies if it were NOT for the Visit Intel Site Activity Alerts .
The V.P of sales replied back to the CEO with the following....
"Good Morning. I am getting a lot of valuable information from this tool. For example, The ABC (had to use a fake name for this blog) School kept checking out our seminars but not signing up. I called him and we agreed to meet in person. I ended up signing them up. I would not have been able to make this contact had it not been for the Visit Intel tool.
There are a lot of other good companies visiting our site that are not part of the email marketing campaign."
The CEO replied back to me this time and said they wanted to keep using Visit Intel .
Right now....without your knowledge.... there are people at companies clicking through your website anonymously as well.
You too are missing opportunities to follow up with these people.
When Companies visit your will receive a report like the one below emailed to you automatically for your action.
I just had to write about this as I have never heard of a tool that before you even move forward with are closing deals.
Try it for yourself......Sign up for your 30 day trial HERE!!!!!!!!