
Visit Intel - A tale of two Site Alerts

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Information = Power

Knowing as much information as possible about the people at companies who click on your website is the secret sauce for success.

"Visit Intel" comes with  (at no extra charge) a URL Shortening tool called "nfl8.us" ( pronounced enflate.us).  

It works just like other url shortening tools like bit.ly or goo.gl ...only "nfl8.us" comes with "Visit Intel" tracking inherently built in to it.

When you use "nfl8.us" ....You enable the tracking   "Visit Intel" provides to be even more precise and powerful.

"nfl8.us" is great for ....
  • any landing pages like Press Releases , special promotions etc.
  • signature blocks -  if someone landed on your site page via clicking on your signature block
  • videos -  You can see if Videos were watched on your site
  • pdf's -  You can see if people launched pdf's on your site
  • more...

Why should nlf8.us be so important to you?

The following is a  Tale of Two "Visit Intel" Site Alerts for the Exact SAME destination  webpage

Let me explain a real world example to help you quickly understand the power of "nfl8.us"

Today...I received TWO Visit Intel Site Alerts from TWO  of my postings on Facebook from yesterday.

I posted on Facebook yesterday Twice and received TWO "Visit Intel" Site Alerts ....one from each posting.

For the first FB posting....I did NOT use nfl8.us for the link I provided.

The first "Visit Intel" Site Alert  I received was from someone who clicked on that  normal link that I pasted into the FB post.

I indeed got a "Visit Intel" Site Alert from that post as you will see directly below....

A picture named M2

Notice that all I can see from the "Visit Intel" Site Alert is that someone was on Facebook and clicked on my link.   The above "Visit Intel" Site Alert is not very actionable for me.

Because the link I posted had no tracking ....the above site alert looks like someone who works at Facebook clicked on my link.  

BUT ....Now take a look at the "Visit Intel "  Site Alert below with that same exact  Destination Link as the first posting....... only this time I  created the new link using   " nfl8.us"  URL shortening tool.

I  received a "Visit Intel" site alert from that second posting only now...I have much more information as you can see in the screenshot below...

A picture named M3

Because I used "nfl8.us"...the tracking information gathered by "Visit Intel" was much more helpful  for me in determining which company clicked  on my link they saw on Facebook.

Now I can see ...
  • Which Company that person was from who clicked on the link
  • I can see the referrer site -  meaning I know that the person was on Facebook, saw my link and clicked on it
  • I can see the actual page that referred that person to my site as well.
  • Because I used "nfl8.us" to create an easily recognizable the destination link...I can see that the person clicked on that specific link that I had named ahead of time

Additionally...  I created another "nfl8.us" for the same destination link but this time  I made it specific for a LinkedIn posting.

Same destination URL but two unique  "nfl8.us" addresses...the one I had already created for the Facebook post and now an new  one specific for a  Linkedin post.

I wanted to understand where I get more clicks from Facebook or LinkedIn.

To my surprise ...I received many more site visits from the Facebook posting then I did from  LinkedIn.

I would have thought  that it be the other way around.  I only know the answer because I used "nfl8.us" .

For more information  visit www.visitintel.com


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